Tuesday, 16 February 2010

greetings once more! Greetings to all my bloggers!

I wonder how you're doing; I've been having some visitss to the blog from people in other countries, quite pleased about that.....although it feels a little weird because it's like there's almost no barrier between the world and I.
Ah, what pleasure it would give me to be able to leave England and go off and travel around the world a little more. I want to visit lots of countries- America, Germany, France again. I think I'd like to go back to Brazil; the climate there was lovely, if a little hot. Ah, lidten to me, the "typical" brit, yodeling on about wanting to go to countries, but thinking they're all either too hot or too cold.
Today I have been doing my work on artist research. I have to research two artists, David Shrigley and Gillian Wearing.

I have finished the page I was making on Gillian Wearing, and I think it's rather good, if I do say so myself, though as I painted it a grey-blue, it made me feel a little melancholy and I began missing those friends that I haven't seen in a long time.
Apologies here, because in my mind, "a long time" can be anything from a few hours to a few billion years. The friends in Question, I have not seen since Thursday, when we all broke up from school. Being in year eleven, there is no real break, as we have to work through the holiday and that pretty much leaves us no time within which we are left to our own devices.

This is probably a good thing; left to my own devices, I climb trees with rope that is not strong as it should be, or I cut my hair short, or I embark on some sort of Mission which takes hours if not days to complete, such as walking all over Bristol. Alas, lately I have had no time to go a-meandering about, and have stayed firmly put in my flat with nothing but a large amount of work to accompany me.

Hopefully things will pick up soon, with the weather finally getting warmer.

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