Tuesday, 14 September 2010

bonjour, and hello

Well, I finished my GCSEs, got my grades (not as good as I would have hoped but it's only my fault, didn't study well enough) and I'm into Sixth Form. But first!

A note to my friend Jancis, who may or may not be reading this blog. Hallo! Wie geht es dir? (She's not actually German but we share that class). Jancis also has a witty blog which I have just read quite a lot of... And while you may be thinking "What are you doing, stupid girl? Do your homework!" I am actually saving it for later-no lie- because I get bored at home with the family and it gives me something to do then. I've already done most of it, you should see my planner. Everything in orange (highlighted) is finished, and that's eighteen out of twenty things in there at the moment that are complete. I'm staying on top of the work this year- very easy because the work is all in subjects I have interest in so I do it as soon as I want.

Secondly, I went to France again this year, in the holiday. It was so hot, and we drove down. "Parents" (mother who does not act like one, and her boyfriend who needs reigns) drove us to the south, and we spent a week there, quite near the coast. However, Reigns-man's (mum's boyfriend's) daughter has Eczema to the EXXXXTREME, so we only swam in the (very salty) sea once. I learnt a tiny bit of French, namely, "Bonjour", "Merci Beaucop" and "ferme" (good day, thankyou very much and closed).

A new image of myself is coming to light; I've been taking protein shakes (yum) which I've mixed myself, and I'm stronger already. I was lacking in protein because I don't often eat meat, or the right foods, to get the correct amount. However, now everythig is pretty good.

Had a MASSIVE argument yesterday with the family. Told Reigns-man that his daughter fell asleep when she came home from school (we're not allowed, we're not exactly children any more- she's eleven) and he seemed to take it in his stride, though not well, when I told him he needed to tell her not to do that, and make it perfectly clear I was fed up with it.
What ensued was that he talked to her about it and she said I had bugged her all afternoon about every single little thing (not true) and that she'd felt upset by this (she was unconscious, so also void). He proceeded to get very angry at me, and my mother protected me.... Which may or may not have been a bad idea, because it made him feel worse. Anyway, he spouted off about us all nagging his daughter. This hadn't actually happened. She lied... But didn't get told off for it. How the heck is she supposed to learn if every time he tells her off he softens the blow? That's not how it works.

It's like sending somebody to prison for murder, but saying before they go, "Don't worry, mummy will be there to tuck you in all night and you can have a cell with a massive Televison to stop you getting bored." WTF.

In other news... Law, German, Governmenst and Politics, Sociology, Critical thinking and my life in general are going well. I got my level nine for basic skating, and I was really pleased with it- only ine more level to go now! I've paid for the lessons myself and it's quite expensive, plus £95 (about $146.50) for my boots alone. It's an expensive sport, but I love it.

See you soon! apologies about lack of updates, I've been busy. Now I'm settled everything should be back to relative normality.