As I said this week is my half term so I'm sort of alternating between four activities- sleeping, meeting up with friends, exercising and studying.
For ages and ages I was worried about my weight (unfortunately I was pretty much round at the beginning of secondary school), and I've been exercising and eating more healthily and wondered why the weight hasn't come off. Even though I look better now than I did before it has taken a year to realise a very important fact.
I will never be skinny-thin. And now I don't want to be. At points, though, I feel it would be easier to be a guy.
This sounds probably horrible to my boyfriend. But darling, hear me out- I have my reasons! You see, there are three main body types, and people can be a mix of them. Obviously there is the endomorph- you know, that person that no matter WHAT they eat, they seem to stay thin. Sometimes very thin (extreme ectomorph). Then we have it's opposite; the ectomorph. As Tim Minchin so kindly put it in one of his songs (Fat Children, link here), these people often "just can't keep the kilos orf". Trust me when I spell off that way. It's all in the song.
Anyway, there is a third main body type. This is the mesomorph. Mesomorphs find it somehow easier to gain muscle. This would be the reason that despite having done seven hours of exercise since Thursday morning (it being Tuesday today) I have put on two pounds. Something tells me I need to find another sport. At the moment I'm doing running, cycling, ice skating, rollerblading. Maybe I should chuck a little ultimate Frisbee in there. Who knows, give it a couple of months and I might start looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was young[er]. I doubt I'll get anywhere near that bad. Don't worry. [nervous laugh]. Point is, muscular guys are really hot, whereas muscular girls are.. Well, just not so pretty to look at. Women are seemingly meant to look more loving. More loving, less shoving. Yes!
But I digress. This is what mesomorphs have to expect...
- Athletic
- Hard Body
- Hourglass Shaped (Female)
- Rectangular Shaped (Male)
- Mature Muscle Mass
- Muscular Body
- Excellent Posture
- Gains Muscle Easily
- Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs
- Thick Skin
The Mesomorph Body
The mesomorph has well-defined muscles and large bones. The torso tapers to a relatively narrow and low waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.
Other Traits of the Mesomorph
The skin of the mesomorph is thick and the mesomorph tans well. The hair is heavy in texture.
I'm not sure about the whole hair-heavy-texture thing or the muscular fingers (God forbid if I poke you) but the rest of it seems accurate. In the last month specifically my face has thinned out a lot- looking at more defined cheekbones and jawline to boot. Which in two years time will be MUCH more defined by my little operation going on (no it is NOT cosmetic surgery, it is for medical reasons. I have to stop growing first).
Hope everybody is having fun and a good laugh wherever they are; don't play too much, everybody should have something to do, at least from time to time!
Happy reading folks, much love, Mes. (teheheh!)
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