Sunday, 12 June 2011

Stage one of treatment

Hello again! Sorry there's been such a long gap in between the posts, I've had exams and all sorts of lovely but boring other things that unfortunately filled my time. Anyway, I'm back at school full time now and we're starting year 13 work now. The courses are very long so we have to start in June and then we get the chance to do things over the summer in time for September and January exams and all manner of other horrible nasty scary things.

Anyway, I digress! I've been to the dental hospital again and started stage one of treatment for my teeth and jaw. For those who don't know I'll be having orthodontic surgery sometime in the next couple of years, but first the dentisty people have to make sure my teeth will align properly (alignment of the teeth is called occlusion) in time for after the operation. So! Stage one is pretty painful so far.

My friendly dentisty lady has put some rather painful spacers between my back teeth (both top and bottom) to push them apart. there are six (one on each side on the bottom and two on each side on the top) and my teeth are already feeling it. It's not a nice feeling as I can't chew much (yoghurt and soup all the time).

So, yes. I like to call this Star Wars Dentistry, because they are using the force...

I can't have steak! My life is over! No, not really. Well, apparently I'm going to lose weight as a result of the very limited diet I am now going to have to eat, but it doesn't matter too much. As long as I don't lose more than about a stone it should be okay, though it depends whether that stone will be in fat or muscle...blegh.

I'm not eating sugary foods because they've already put the metal anchors on my bottom teeth in preparation for the next appointment (this coming Friday) and I'm psychotic about not having horrible marks on my teeth when the treatment is finished. My friend Ali has said I need to make sure when they take the braces off at the end of the treatment I need to make sure they get all the glue because after that the glue colours with food but my teeth won't- resulting in nice little blobs of colour on all my teeth. "Najjs". all I have left to do is decide what colour I want my braces to be :D

It's raining! I hope it stops by the 28th, that's my birthday. :)

Happy reading, folks!


  1. Those people are somewhat horrible

  2. I know, thank you for voicing your opinion, Mr./Ms. Anonymous. :)
