Monday, 16 January 2012

The magical adventures of Christmouse

News news news! In what can only be described as a surprisingly satisfying cliche, I received socks for Christmas, again. Don't see it the wrong way, though; I asked for them. My room is pretty cold most of the time (in comparison to the rest of the flat, at least). It's currently 18.2 degrees (Celcius, not Fahrenheit!!) so it's bearable. My feet, of course, aren't cold. Why, you ask? Because, dear reader, I didn't get just any socks for Crimbo. No, I got ski socks. Proper ski socks. From animal. And they're green and black! And they're padded on the front and back! And... Okay, I'm starting to rhyme, which is a sign I should stop.

I've always wondered, when geniuses get bored in exams do they answer in rhyme instead of the normal way just for a change or challenge? Perhaps they answer in iambic pentameter, that'd be awesome.

So I have a bit of an embarrassing tale for you all. If you've ever seen an advert (it was on UK TV for a while) in which  lady drops a mug of tea on her laptop... You can see where this is going. I had a major cock-up incident in which I knocked over a mug of hot ribena. If anybody reading this doesn't know what ribena is, you need to google it, find out if your local shop has some, and then go and get it. But as a matter of opinion the one with no added sugar tastes best (just so you know). So... Yeah. Great taste. Even my laptop liked it.

So, new keyboard, whoop!

Now, you'll be wondering who the heck Christmouse is. Basically, I still have a stocking. My mum (I mean Santa or his elves) fills it with silly little things. This year I got a Newton's Cradle (everybody needs one, let's be honest, they're endlessly entertaining) and a toy mouse that, when you press its belly, belts out a verse of "Let It Snow" in an adorable high tone. I love it. It was duly named Christmouse.

Anyway, I've had this idea that, as I'm going to university in September (subject to grades), I will take Christmouse with me and take photos of him and show my family (and probably you folks, too) what I'm up to and what's going on. I wrote my mum a note explaining that there is likely to be at least one scene in which Christmouse takes over Cathedral City as mayor (Cathedral City is a cheese), but he gets fired because he eats the citizens and buildings. I'm very proud of the silly pun.

So hopefully Christmouse will be going places this year. I hope to find my camera (yes, I've lost it) and start ASAP. Note: Help me find my camera!!

Aside from that, I've got examinations next week and so I doubt very much that there'll be anything particularly interesting out of me for some time ( I mean until they're over). Unless you want to read rants of paranoia about not having done enough revision, that is.

Happy reading, Folks!!



  1. I can neither confirm nor deny that I have at some point answered an exam question in iambic pentameter.

    And more than one in iambic heptameter.
