Wednesday, 26 December 2012

(Not so) festive update

So, hi again, everybody, I'm sorry for not posting earlier but life has been pretty up and down so far this month! I see it's over a month since my last post and I thought maybe you'd like an update.

Christmas (today) has been pretty good. Good food, good company, and the house wasn't too down and that’s lovely. We had my cousins and my aunt over for Christmas lunch. They've never been to ours for Christmas but we wanted to get them out of the house considering my uncle passed away a week ago. It's been quite awful trying to deal with grief and still manage to function well enough to arrange a funeral. I advise all of you (jokingly, somewhat, since we can't choose the times these things happen) not to pass away around this time; we cannot have the funeral for another three weeks because these things need time and preparation and nobody is willing to do that sort of thing around Christmas time.

I'm taking it as a sign of logic that I'm not overwhelmingly upset, partially because I rarely saw my uncle and partially because I like to be a helping hand in times such as these, rather than another lost and crumpled soul. I have to be honest with you all, at the moment all I want to do is make sure people are okay and then get back to university, but this calls for family time and I like to think of us as sticking together in situations such as these. Note this is the same set of people as the one I wrote about before, containing the cousin I wanted to write a book for. I couldn’t get it done (not even started). I have no idea what to say now. As I prepared to write, this new development came along and now the family is simultaneously torn apart and pulled together by sadness.
Anyway, we’re waiting to have the funeral and I’m not leaving until everything is settled down. Thankfully I don’t start next semester until quite a way into January and so I can stay here without missing anything. I do want to go back early though, so I have some quiet time and I can just be by myself. I was looking forward to the holidays but so far they’ve been full of sadness and business (the two things you don’t always really enjoy on holiday if I’m honest). 

I'll be pretty busy covering the work I did last semester soon, and I'll try to get another post in between now and returning to uni. 

Happy reading, folks!

Victoria Jane.

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