Saturday, 5 September 2009

Puns with punch

I'm making these up. The person who comes up with the best one gets a hug; sorry, no more money for chocolate as of yet!!

Q: What makes 'Dim' and 'getting a tattoo done' the same?
A: They're both annoying little pricks *hee joke Dim*

If you fed your pet budgie chicken, could that be considered cannibalism?

I'm sure there are a few more in my head, such as...

Q: Why shouldn't you throw knives when angry?
A: Because you might miss.

I'm of unicorn descent, that's why I'm always so horny.

Oh Dim, why are you always so twisted and horny? "Ah, me mother was a whirlpool and me father was a rhinocerous!"

well, I be a dominatrix elf, so no worries there.

Q: what is irony?
A: a bit like silvery and goldy but fuckloads less expensive.

a: sarcasm is the lowest from of wit
b: I really care about what you say sometimes.
a: you do? Aw, thanks.
b: jeez, you're such a waste of hot air. Give it to George Bush.

REMEMBER: you get a hug. A nice hug.

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