Shoutouts to Veronica Vance, Marten Reed, Faye Whitaker, Dora somethingorother, Penelope Gaines, Pintsize (WOOOOO!!!!) and.....ah you get the point. These are all characters from a webcomic I read, called Questionable Content. The link is, you need to start at the beginning or it won't make sense, and it's bound to keep you occupied for a while :D because it's great! Although not very realistic, some extremes in there, defo.
If you're wondering what the blogosphere is, you'll have to read Joe's favourite webcomic, is the link for that one, it's funny but if you're not really up to date with things you just won't understand :p so good luck with that one!
Damn Maths coursework is lurking, I've been on the computer all day, although Sophie M can vouch for the fact that I got some time off *heehee*
How is everyone? Like the pot joke? good, it doesn;t take much once you have a good few keywords, does it? I love humour. As Oscar Wilde once said, "If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh otherwise they'll kill you." and Shakespeare said "I am not bound to please thee with my answers"-- you can tell which one was more arrogant, can't you?
really really really hate
really really hate
really hate
strongly despise
dislike very very strongly
dislike very strongly
dislike strongly
like strongly
like very strongly
like very very strongly
really reallllllllllly like
really wuv
really luv
luuuuuurrrrvve (this one is just sickening sometimes)
And there you have it, friends, my likeometer.
Isn't it great??
ch spreche Deutsch und I speak English and 49 20 73 70 65 61 6b 20 48 45 58 2e
^whoever can tell me what the last language was gets chocolate, you have about a month I would think... :D^
I can speak Hex? joking Vick