Friday, 8 July 2011


I've had an idea which I hope will really take off come September and the new year.

I've always had quite good grammar and spelling-literacy and numeracy in general, to be totally immodest... But I know that for many children this is not the case. While they are somewhat tested and truly helped regarding basic issues at primary school, once pupils are in year seven and above they may sometimes receive little or no help in these areas, and when they do receive help it can be a bit fleeting-for the following reason.

Teachers often don't have the time to help with these skills. I've always felt that teachers have it hard- we dislike them generally (even the nerds do at points) because they set us homework and they often set us to work with (often) a focus on their subject and the homework associated. Some students/pupils don't think about is the effort that teachers put into helping them succeed. Teachers mark everybody's work-you only do your own. They have twenty times as much work to do as you. During school holidays, they're planning lessons and trying to catch up. As a result, they can't always help us. The problem is that sometimes between a teacher and a pupil there isn't the most friendly relationship.

So, my idea is called "LEARN". I figure there are lots of pupils who want help but don't want to ask for it. Teachers can be very condescending, leading to a lack of enthusiasm in the pupil to learn and to go to lessons. In my time in secondary school I've seen huge amounts of truancy and many people with attitudes that are (at best) less than productive.

So, I'm not a teacher. I'm a pupil. And I want to help the others, for free, in order to help them with their GCSEs. If children are willing to learn but haven't been able to, for whatever reason, reach their full learning potential. I'm not an authority. I'm not above them. I'm just in possession of more knowledge and willing to share it for free to anybody who wants it.

What do you think? I hope to start the first LEARN group in September. I'll be focusing on speaking, writing, reading- spelling, grammar, and diction.

Happy reading, folks! Comment with your suggestions if you like.


  1. i think its a bit patronizing myself, the point in teachers is that they HAVE to provide the support children are entitled to and while yes, they do have a huge work load, I'm afraid that's part of the job description! i don't think its really your place to be doing their jobs for them and in all honesty i doubt you'll get that good a reception from it.

  2. Thank you for your honesty.
