Wednesday, 27 July 2011


It's the summer holidays for me! I'm not sorry to see the back of school for a few weeks for many reasons. Here are a few-

Gym, ice skating, free time, no homework, no teachers, family, friends, meeting a really lovely guy at ice skating, hair dye, sun, France, travel, swimming, Aggie. In no particular order.

Okay, so I have a date on Saturday (whoo!) and tomorrow I'll be dying Aggie's hair blonde. The bottle says "decolourant"- very reassuring as I'm sure you can imagine. It's enough to strike the fear of blonde into anybody not familiar with the lightening/hairdying process. So far we've given the hair one bleach and it ended up orange,,, So we'll be soing it again. This is in preparation for blue or green hair dye, which is much more permanent and vibrant if you bleach your hair first. I'll probably streak mine too.

Went out with Ross today, he's back from Spain (and very tanned, bastard). We went to town to get a new phone charger - fun stuff - and I was wearing my new teeshirt. It says, "Nobody gives a fuck about your facebook status". The guard of the carpark came out of his booth to photograph it. It's surprising that I get so many smiles when facebook appears to be somewhat dying out to Google+!

So yes. Date on Saturday. Should be fun, I haven't dated in a while now. I like to wait between relationships, otherwise it feels wrong and rude. And slutty, that too. This new suitor is lovely from what little conversation we've already had.

In other news, I cut my hair again- shoulder length. I hate it longer because it's so difficult to care for. try streaking an afro, though. Tiring work! (I attacked my little sister with the remnants of the hair bleach).

Trying to catch some sun... Difficult, it's England. I got about five minutes today, am very impressed with non-existent tan! I love and am very pleased by my new teeshirt, you can buy it here.

Going to France this coming Tuesday/Wednesday! Excited, check. Packed, nowhere near check. Hoping to look good in a bikini by means of recent gym sessions, they're very effective because I am a mesomorph :D (for explanation see mesomorph post, type it into the search box)...

Happy reading, folks!

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