Thursday, 18 August 2011

AS Results

Well, I was very nervous for the AS results. For those readers who don't understand AS and A2, in England we take A-Levels. these are for two years, the first being AS (modular exams, two modules per subject) and the second being A2 (again, mod, 2mod/sub). I've just finished my first year. AS results are as follows:

Sociology A
German B (8 marks off an A, so frustrating!)
Law B
Critical Thinking C
Government and Politics E

I'm pretty happy with that. In fact, I'm very happy, because Crit and Politics, I'm dropping (hate both) so it's brilliant that the grades for my other subjects are good. This sets me up for a pretty successful (if I work!) A2 year. Whooooooooooooop!

I did a lot of jumping around and such. A friend of mine got five As. Bastard, but well done nonetheless.

Welp, I'm tired. So, g'night!

Also...Reading a book on genetics. On the misunderstanding of the inheritance of acquired characteristics: "In every society, part of the point of self-improvement is to pass on the benefits to one's descendants. Unfortunately, biology is not like real estate."

Happy reading, folks!


  1. Should point out that not all subjects are two modules per year - maths is three, and the sciences are two plus practicals, for example. Also you probably hate me for my A-level results.

  2. That I do, Darael, that I do. Much nom, Wolfie. :)
