Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Passing the time

Well. We're far, far into the holidays now. I am bored again. I don't know why; I've been doing lots of things. I went to France, yes! I wanted to tell you all about that.
The drive wasn't too bad but it did take about twelve hours... There were excellent swimming pools. We did a bit of bike riding, a mistake in my case because I fell off mine again (not too badly but I am now adorned with a lovely big scar on my right elbow because I skidded on gravel)... It was the one time I wasn't wearing a helmet. It's the fastest I've ever cycled away from an accident site- it was right next to the children's playground and they were all staring, but I didn't want them to see the blood so I cycled back to the condominium as fast as possible. There was a lot of dust in the abrasion so I decided to wash it while I was in shock (doesn't hurt as much then). Got it clean, it's healed, but I always scar quite badly.

This makes me grateful for the fact that when I have my face operation they will be doing the majority, if not all of the work, from the inside of my mouth. This means that if there are any scars they will be on the inside of my mouth, which isn't too bad because people don't judge the inner lining of your cheeks that often.

I've bought some spray paint; three cans (three for a tenner at the shop on Park Street in Bristol, whoop!) because I need to make a birthday present for my mum's friend. I've decided to get a canvas, mak cloud stencils (paper clouds), stick them to the canvas, and then spray paint over them. One of the spray paints is sky blue for this purpose. I did some drawings and practice this afternoon and it's looking pretty good. I'm pleased and surprised- usually I'm not that creative!

I'll try to get some pictures for you at some point so you can see what I've done.

My room's pretty messy at the moment due to the rather large amount of time I'm spending in it every day working on my fun little projects. When we were in France I did some lesson plans for my job in September (very nervous!). I also got offered a possible job at the ice rink as a steward... And I'm now going to coach one of the girls there as well for her skating. Happy days. Everything is going swimmingly at the moment.

Results for AS exams on Thursday, I'll let you all know how I do (and a possible plan of action if I've messed up entirely).

Finished another Patterson book (Now You See Her). Not bad, but he's beginning to bore me a bit. I highly, HIGHLY recommend William Diehl's PRIMAL FEAR for all of you who like crime novels with a proper twist. I love it when I can tell the writer really enjoys his/her work, and does research for the stories accordingly.

Happy Reading, folks!

P.S. This is lovely music to draw/work to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB0ordd2nOI

1 comment:

  1. Another crime novel I must recommend, though very, very different to most, is China MiƩville's "The City and the City". Take a look.
