So obviously this means that I am busy and hungry and don't always have time for meals. But, like any good student should, and particularly one who tends to get ill when when they don't eat enough, I have cheats. Now, these lovely little thingies on the right are a new-ish product from Nutri-grain. They're called Breakfast Biscuits (as you can see) and they're really good if you're on the way to an epiphany, meaning you don't have the time or patience to deal with your grandparent of a cooker. You get six packs of four biscuits. They're perfect. They're yummy. They stop me from fridge-raiding.
Everyone has a favourite drink as well! Mine is this stuff by a company called Tymbark, which is a Polish company. It's not very sweet, which is why I like it. The only problem is that I can get through a two-litre pack in about four hours.
So, this is my room! Accommodation is quite expensive, but it was worth paying for because, though it's not in the picture, I have a little en-suite too. Again, this is a good study-aid. I don't have to make any long trips just to have a shower or brush my teeth, and I like that rather a lot. It also happens to be good when I'm sore from training, because I don't do a whole lot of walking about at the moment. My knees hyperextend as a result of skating, and now I'm doing Taekwondo, they hurt quite a lot. I spent £40 on knee straps. It was worth it- I could actually walk today! I bought Elastoplast ones. They're fantastic.
So, yes. My room has lots of study space and the bed isn't too bad either (kind of a bad mattress but I'm always VERY tired by the time I go to bed so I don't really have an awareness of it for long. Taekwondo is fantastic. I'm enjoying pretty much everything about university, except that I miss my family. An unfortunate side-effect of loving people is that you feel a little empty when they're not with you. But I'm training four hours a week and studying maybe thirty or forty hours a week. and then I eat and sleep and explore. And life is good.
I'm going home this weekend!! It'll be great to see the lovely other half, Patrick for the first time in a month, I am very excited!!!
happy reading, folks!
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