Monday, 22 October 2012

Work, eat, sleep

the title is pretty much my priorities at the moment. I'm doing a lot of work (not begrudgingly but willingly, mind you) and there isn't a whole lot of time for other things at the moment, which is a pity. But never mind. I've got pretty much everything done I wanted to get done, except the work for Tort Law, which is due on Thursday. I have time because like a particularly well-organised student I did the work for the other three modules over the weekend and so it hasn't been rushed and panicked, but instead patiently worked through as it should be. Which is what I enjoy the most about my life at the moment. There's time to do things.

I promised you all a picture of the flowers!!

They are truly lovely. And I still have them even though it's been more than a week (they're not over yet). They smell FANTABULOUS (yes, it is a real word) because there's Eucalyptus in the bunch, as well. So my whole room smells of Eucalyptus now. Not complaining at all. Thank you, Patrick!

I'm reading The Godfather by Mario Puzo in my spare time (scoff, scoff, chortle, chortle). I felt bad having seen the films and not read the books, which I really think I should have done first, but never mind. You can't do everything as you'd intend to do it. And besides, the films are rather good. If for whatever reason (coma? you're a hobbit? you have no self-esteem? lack of time/money?) you haven't either seen the films or read the books, I suggest you rectify that. I always find it amazing reading or watching these "classics". How did this come out of someone's head? It's an incredible phenomenon that we have such active imaginations, I tell you that.

I've had coldy-flueyness this week, unfortunately, so I'm not as lovely and happy and bouncy as I'd perhaps have liked, but that's not really a problem. I'm going home at the weekend again, to see my mum for a bit. I never feel like we get to spend much time together so I'm working through everything I need to do in preparation for that. I also have an assignment due in next week that I need to do the preliminary reading for, which means either going to the library or hooking up my printer (not difficult but time-consuming).

Happy reading, folks! I can't tell you how nice it is, having you read these posts. It means a lot to me, not because I WANT you to read them, but because you're interested in what I say (whether you agree or disagree is interesting too, so please comment if you can).

Victoria Jane :D

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