Saturday, 10 October 2009
The month of bad news
Yes, so, to prove that October is a bad month, I have three examples. Four.
1) We got robbed in October
2) My grandfather died in October- two days before his 75th birthday.
3) My mother got a rather horrible illness in October called H-Pylori, nasty nasty.
4) Joe scares me this October with the prospect of very damaging illnesses being in/with him.
also, 5) because my mother missed an entire day of work this October, and that was just after she'd started a new job, and the new job is really taking its toll.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Comment Moderation...
DAMN DMITRYS for being strange!
DAMMIT JOE you aren't well enough to go to school! *ack ack-swine flu*
DAMN YOU TIVVY! you're being weird, still!
I think that's it. LIES! DAMN homework for making my life a living hell. almost.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
What the hell!
Gotta go, I have like five hours of Child Development left to do now, and it's already seven at night. Bye. See you soon, hopefully when I'm in a better mood!
Pardon the rant.
Swine flu! For flip's sake. School's gonna be boring now, compared at least to what it was.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
The official cast list is out for New Moon....and I have really, really scored big time. Cameron Bright as Alec? I always knew the guy who was cast would be hot. Hot hottttt. I love Cameron not only because he's lovely (:p) but also because he really really can act. Double score, Taylor Lautner buffed up enough to stay cast as Jacob. Much hawtness there, no doubt about it. Have good nights everyone...:)
Rawan, that was the awesomest party I have attended in a very long time, thankyou for inviting me, and good luck with the clear up! Special thanks go to your little sister as she spent most of the time handing out drinks and sweeping. Twas AWESOMENESS and the all girls thing to me, but brilliant! :)
Joe, I'm still sorry. Nah-nah. I can't take it back once it's here. x
Shoooooooot, I've totally not done my Child Development Homework! She's going to KILL me. I am going to die of deathness most enforced. Oh dear.
I could just go do it now! Waay, that's a much better idea, isn't it?
I just typed most of the last line without looking. Coooool! Okay, yes, I am a little hyper. In my defence, lemon chicken, yummy nachos, salsa, salsa dancing, cake, and wonderful fruit does that to you. Along with missy elliott, I would say that's one recipe for a helluva party, which it was indeed.
Plans, plans! House warming party for once we've moved. Probably in January, methinks. Also, much sooner than that, I need MY party... If I'm ever going to have one, now would be the time to do it. Wooooop!
Luv to all my friends. Mr Sea Mollusc, I dislike you very much too. It's rude to pretend to be Irish, you know. GAWSH.
NB: when I'm on the phone to you, be nice to me, especally if I called you. It works out that I'm better to you if you're nice to me. :)
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Words of the day...:
This is the fear of long words. Lollums!! actually makes me laugh. :D
Friday, 11 September 2009
Right, I thought this was the best way.
Art-Collect Sex Pistols and London artwork images.
Child Development- 1) First Visit- background info. Compare the child to some form of the text milestones or another child.
2) Work out a task title.
3) I can't be bothered to write it all down here but the outline is, there's a hell of a lot written in the back of your planner and you have until February do this task. Aim high. Don't suck.
English-Summaries of: Act one::scene one
Act one::scene two
Act one::scene three
Plus a diagram of Macbeth's qualities with interrelate with who he is and his personality.
German- 1) Learn the past participle spellings for a test [DONE]
2) Write a paragraph stating your opinion on "Urlaub am Strand" (a holiday on the beach) and then on "Urlaub auf dem Land" (a holiday in the countryside).
HEX- relearn the punctuation. []SELF SET[]
Maths- 1) pg 318 (Ex. 30.1) questions up to fifteen.
2) pg 324 Q 1-8 -- Review Ex.
Science- 1) finish off the questions on page 41 :) compounds are colourless
2) pg 3-5 in workbook
3) up to pg 7 workbook
4) workbook all up to alkali metals part (18-22)
And that's all for this week plus Maths and English coursework. Does your school insist on this much crap to do at home? I'm a nerd and all but this is just TOO MUCH!!
I couldn't leave this one out...
Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the ablative plural of the medieval Latin word honorificabilitudinitas, which can be translated as "the state of being able to achieve honours".
27 letters, alternating consonants and vowels. It's the longest one.
Have you got any weird words to offer? win chocolate bar (small) if you answer with a good one I haven't heard of. :) I'll be honest.
Today's word: ogliomerization
In chemistry, an oligomer consists of a limited number of monomer units (ολιγος, or oligos, is Greek for "a few"), in contrast to a polymer that, at least in principle, consists of an unlimited number of monomers[1].
Many oils are ogliomers. :) Hope this is a good starter! ;P I'm gonna get worse, I can tell. Soon I'll be doing words like zenzizenzizenzicube *yes it's an actual word*.
Did you know?
[[[[“Originally, we all had brown eyes”, said Professor Eiberg from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. “But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a “switch”, which literally “turned off” the ability to produce brown eyes”. The OCA2 gene codes for the so-called P protein, which is involved in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives colour to our hair, eyes and skin.
The “switch”, which is located in the gene adjacent to OCA2 does not, however, turn off the gene entirely, but rather limits its action to reducing the production of melanin in the iris – effectively “diluting” brown eyes to blue. The switch’s effect on OCA2 is very specific therefore. If the OCA2 gene had been completely destroyed or turned off, human beings would be without melanin in their hair, eyes or skin colour – a condition known as albinism.]]]]
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Woo maths coursework, so challenging it's almost fun but not quite, but nonetheless I look forward to tomorrow when I'll have to work late late into the night on it :D because I has done like NOTHING and it's due in on Friday!! SCORE, failed the timing on that piece miserably.
English coursework; erk, the new teacher is more well informed than I thought he would be and HE KNOWS. Obviously I'm not as organised as DGB thinks I am (don't go near him, he's a scary mothertrucker) and I'm gonna get BEATEN by the English dept. for this. Badly.
MANNNNNNN ther's a lot of Child Dev to get done in the next five months... Sucks but it's gonna be fun so :P hopefully I won't tire too easily of all this stuff in all these subjects. I'm having fun being under a little extra prtessure.
Ohh, had the first german lesson of the year today. Year has begun in nerdy fashion, with me translating most of what the teacher says to the class. James Bailey laughed at me. He has very straight teeth. So do Tilly and Shana. Lucky sods. Not that mine are all over the place exactly, it's just that I've gotta wait another like year until I can get braces because my flippin jaw has to stop growing and changing. suckkssssssss.
Having fun? Favourite subjects? What's the worst lesson you've ever had? Get me on facebook, Victoria Howells, the one with the yellow picture *thumbs up to nerds*
For Connel's happiness- "Big up the invisibles!!"
Monday, 7 September 2009
I know, I know it's like the nerdiest thing ever but it's worth my asking just in case.
Also, I'm feeling like letting my guard down, so anybody who has a sincere question to ask me, I'll do my best to answer in truth. I feellike giving everybody the opportunity to ask me something they've never asked before, it's kinda funny and serious at the same time. thankyou for readin my blog!
I noes not
My mixed up life is fun fun fun
It was okay, I guess, I did some good stuff in art, and Sciences were good, but Child Development, I finished in like five minutes so I sat there and mucked around and ate a blue Space Baton for the majority of the lesson.
Started talking to an old friend of mine on a whim yesterday, and she's really changed. Like, really really. It's kinda weird. But really good, because I've tried with other old friends and it hasn't worked, and this time it really has. Which is GOOOOOOD.
OMG the new site is shit but the FAQ page is okay but it could ALL be so much better
Sunday, 6 September 2009
NEW POST!!! aw crap, I just knocked over a can of pepsi raw. mann. Ooh, sugary desk, om nom nom... ...heehee all about me. tis great, I luvz it.
everybody who has never tried pepsi raw, get out there and buy a can. Om nom nom, no afrtificial colours falvours sweeteners or preservatives!
Much luck with tomorrow, the first full week back. Woooo!
1) You cannot win two consecutive comps.
2) For the comps such as the fail one and the endangered plant/animal one, you can give a maximum of five answers, all in one comment, and you have five chances to win.
3) no matter how good your entry is, if it's after the deadline it won't be counted. be quicker next time.
4) You don't have to pay for the chocolate bar :)
5) You get to choose the chocolate bar, within reason. By this I mean don't ask for a 400g one, maybe a 200 is okay if your answer was really good. You can ask for a snickers or mars or crunchie if you want. :)
6) On the comps such as the fail one, where you need evidence, I need you to post the evidence on the blog, and I need to know who it came from *can't be you* so I can check and verify.
7) Be creative! On comps like the endangered plant/animal one, your answers can be as wild as you like. these are cases of internet QI, where you're more likely to win if you've come up with something nobody else would think of. Kit, I think you have an advantage here.
I liedddddd
And buying birthday presents for those who were born this month. A lot of difficult people to buy for. Leah Roberts gets nothing because she owes me a tenner, uh-huh, yeah, she does. Not lol. Anyway, good to see you peeps are having fun answering my silly questions and competing for hugs and chocolate and the like. As my last post on all the blogs said, I’ve now set up the blogs so you don’t have to log in or anything to leave comments, and you can even be anonymous. I need the feedback, so please don’t hesitate to comment, it only takes a second and it will really help to see what people like or don’t lie, so I know what to include more. Have a ood rest of the weekend! Aw, so happy, I only have three lessons tomorrow… Science, Art, and Child Development. :) thumbs up for that!
I'z been shopping! Rawan, I has ur birthday present ready and wrapped :) Now all I have to do is get Jancis' prezzie, and I should be done....
yeah, excited about school, about moving house, about food, about people, I'm havong a really good time just living at the moment, and I'm really enjoying it. Ask me, I'm in a great mood....all the damn time. Not much you can do about it, depending on who you are. Heeee, see most of you tomorrow!
Okay, my rules...
P.S. I can almost touch type now!
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Puns with punch
Q: What makes 'Dim' and 'getting a tattoo done' the same?
A: They're both annoying little pricks *hee joke Dim*
If you fed your pet budgie chicken, could that be considered cannibalism?
I'm sure there are a few more in my head, such as...
Q: Why shouldn't you throw knives when angry?
A: Because you might miss.
I'm of unicorn descent, that's why I'm always so horny.
Oh Dim, why are you always so twisted and horny? "Ah, me mother was a whirlpool and me father was a rhinocerous!"
well, I be a dominatrix elf, so no worries there.
Q: what is irony?
A: a bit like silvery and goldy but fuckloads less expensive.
a: sarcasm is the lowest from of wit
b: I really care about what you say sometimes.
a: you do? Aw, thanks.
b: jeez, you're such a waste of hot air. Give it to George Bush.
REMEMBER: you get a hug. A nice hug.
the blogosphere
Shoutouts to Veronica Vance, Marten Reed, Faye Whitaker, Dora somethingorother, Penelope Gaines, Pintsize (WOOOOO!!!!) and.....ah you get the point. These are all characters from a webcomic I read, called Questionable Content. The link is, you need to start at the beginning or it won't make sense, and it's bound to keep you occupied for a while :D because it's great! Although not very realistic, some extremes in there, defo.
If you're wondering what the blogosphere is, you'll have to read Joe's favourite webcomic, is the link for that one, it's funny but if you're not really up to date with things you just won't understand :p so good luck with that one!
Damn Maths coursework is lurking, I've been on the computer all day, although Sophie M can vouch for the fact that I got some time off *heehee*
How is everyone? Like the pot joke? good, it doesn;t take much once you have a good few keywords, does it? I love humour. As Oscar Wilde once said, "If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh otherwise they'll kill you." and Shakespeare said "I am not bound to please thee with my answers"-- you can tell which one was more arrogant, can't you?
really really really hate
really really hate
really hate
strongly despise
dislike very very strongly
dislike very strongly
dislike strongly
like strongly
like very strongly
like very very strongly
really reallllllllllly like
really wuv
really luv
luuuuuurrrrvve (this one is just sickening sometimes)
And there you have it, friends, my likeometer.
Isn't it great??
ch spreche Deutsch und I speak English and 49 20 73 70 65 61 6b 20 48 45 58 2e
^whoever can tell me what the last language was gets chocolate, you have about a month I would think... :D^
The Pot of destiny
Now, these are nifty. Damn nifty. I made a rule when I bought mine; put in half the money you get, at least, and don't break it until you physically can't get any more in. It's working, I'm sure. I'm not counting how much money there is in there, but I know that there's a lot, enough to get nearly an ounce of weed, in some people's way of looking at it, dependting on who you buy from. I hate the fact that I know that.
Anyway, it's great for people who can't save because once the money's in the pot, you have to smash the pot to get it back out! A game of patience and skill, as you're not allowed to smash the pot until you can't get any more money inside. I'm deciding to fill it with notes so I'll have LOADS by the time it's full. :)
I want your honest answers, you can bring them via paper, you can come tell me, and I'll write it down, or you can write it up here by commenting, but it has to become a comment to this post and then you can be in with a chance to win. This one you can only answer once. the last one, about the fails, you could give as many examples as you liked.
two weeks, people! two weeks! from NOW!
Friday, 4 September 2009
Interesting questions...
Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Why don't you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?
Why is abbreviated such a long word?
Why is a boxing ring square?
Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?
Why is it that doctors call what they do practice?
Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?
Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on Start?
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
If you throw a cat out of the car window, does it become kitty litter?
What do you call a male ladybug?
What hair color do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
Why do they call it a pair of pants, but only 1 bra?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?
Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
Why are there Interstates in Hawaii?
Why are there flotation devices in the seats of planes instead of parachutes?
Why are cigarettes sold at gas stations where smoking is prohibited?
Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?
If the 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why does it have locks on the door?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of it?
If a firefighter fights fire and a crime fighter fights crime, what does a freedom fighter fight?
If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, how do they get baby oil?
If you are driving at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of a drive-up ATM?
Why is it that when you transport something by car it is called shipment, but when you transport something by ship it's called cargo?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
something to get straight...
The blog of mog, plus competition! waay!
Some things I have tried to do just DON'T work, do they? Like, running and jumping over a metal pole, Teaching tiv the lwas of fraternal twins (ask david, ross and kit, they enjoyed my attempt)
and staying warm in a freezing cold tent, those are examples. The person who gives the best example at the bottom of the page (I want some KIND of evidence, please) gets a chocolate bar!
I would like to thank Shana for my SPIDERPIG poster, as it makes me laugh and I love it muchly, and Tilly because her attitude to life makes me laugh even more. Pessimism is not the answer.
David Barnsley, are you a night owl? Meh, you are, methinks.
Shanice says a slightly freaked out hello to all you bloggers who are reading this, and also wonders if ross is coming round again as he is "big tall scary agh" as she once put it. Ross said he thought she was "intelligent, mature for her age, and trying to grow up to quickly." I think he can be.. the scientific name for it is "stupid git". but aren't we all.... Some more than others.... *tiv....joking*
The end of today is the beginning of tomorrow
Tiv and Ross were here earlier, making good use of my....bed......the....the....meh, might as well, that's what the mattress is good for, as it's new. I joke. Obviously they weren't sleeping together, ew, EWWW. My bed, peeps! If you're gonna do that, do it somewhere else in your own time.
So, it would seem quite a few people are reading this so far, about ten, I think. I thought maybe it would be nice for them, to have a look into the weird and wacky world of Vicky, without being close enough to smell my heavenly, sure I can get Peter to add that in there virtually or something, or Joe, if he has time...*heeee*
Andrea just got back to me on my first post; "You're moving house!?" Hell yes I am, folks, and I'm gonna make the most of that! never.... aw, not gonna carry on with this, I explained the whole flat thing in the last blog, did I not? No? shush, and TOUGH. lalala.
No homework so far. Good. GOOOOOOD! as you can see, I still am managing to find heckloads of stuff to write about, and it's all wierd and strange and....totally normal for me, but never mind, I enjoy it.
I feel, for some reason, I should say hi to Rawan and Cecilia, and also Anna S, just because, I have no idea, but hi peeps! It was good to see you today. Rawan, you and I need to chat. Kit, you and I need to chat, and Peter, I need to argue with you, your arguments are so weird that they're fun.
YESS Score; games is now before LUNCH on a Tuesday, not before BREAK, so we get proper chances to eat right before and right after, good, fantastic, yes, yes, good!
I need to make Shanice's bed right now, so... Bye and see you whether in a minute (I love to type) or tomorrow. :)
Back to drearyness, but there's more...
Holiday Homework:
# Art- 3 pictures of Jean Michel Basquiat's work.
# Child Development- Four pages, one for each of PIES [Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social] Developmental stages, and milestones, and examples, and find a child to study who is under five years old. Maybe two or three children. twins would be great. or a whole class.
# English- begin writing up a coursework we've told you nothing about. Fun fun!
# German- read through some of this year's work [yr10] and don't forget it or prepare to be impaled upon a spike and shown as an example.
# Maths- ARGH Coursework; Stats coursework. first hypothesis out of three.
# Science- read C4....(this one was incredibly fun if I do say so myself. what nerdishness is this?!)
# Business Studies- you know what? sod it. you're ahead of the class. have six weeks without revenue, go on, treat yourself. :)
....SO, yeah, that's quite a lot to do in one holiday, plus getting accustomed from it being just me and my mum to me, her, her boyfriend, and his daughter. CONFUSING doesn't cover it. PLUS, they've moved in, but this is a two bedroom flat, and mum knows I don't share well, so we've bought a house, as I said, which means packing up a decade and a half of crap and shipping ourselves off to what we all think is an incredibly beautiful house. thank god it has a large garage, we have four cars now. actually, one is a monster vw van, but I'm not complaining, it got us to France and back, so waay.
Have a good year, and good luck!