Tuesday 22 February 2011

Oh, the hard (muscled) life of a mesomorph...

Bonjour friends, Romans, countrymen!

As I said this week is my half term so I'm sort of alternating between four activities- sleeping, meeting up with friends, exercising and studying.

For ages and ages I was worried about my weight (unfortunately I was pretty much round at the beginning of secondary school), and I've been exercising and eating more healthily and wondered why the weight hasn't come off. Even though I look better now than I did before it has taken a year to realise a very important fact.

I will never be skinny-thin. And now I don't want to be. At points, though, I feel it would be easier to be a guy.

This sounds probably horrible to my boyfriend. But darling, hear me out- I have my reasons! You see, there are three main body types, and people can be a mix of them. Obviously there is the endomorph- you know, that person that no matter WHAT they eat, they seem to stay thin. Sometimes very thin (extreme ectomorph). Then we have it's opposite; the ectomorph. As Tim Minchin so kindly put it in one of his songs (Fat Children, link here), these people often "just can't keep the kilos orf". Trust me when I spell off that way. It's all in the song.

Anyway, there is a third main body type. This is the mesomorph. Mesomorphs find it somehow easier to gain muscle. This would be the reason that despite having done seven hours of exercise since Thursday morning (it being Tuesday today) I have put on two pounds. Something tells me I need to find another sport. At the moment I'm doing running, cycling, ice skating, rollerblading. Maybe I should chuck a little ultimate Frisbee in there. Who knows, give it a couple of months and I might start looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was young[er]. I doubt I'll get anywhere near that bad. Don't worry. [nervous laugh]. Point is, muscular guys are really hot, whereas muscular girls are.. Well, just not so pretty to look at. Women are seemingly meant to look more loving. More loving, less shoving. Yes!

But I digress. This is what mesomorphs have to expect...

  • Athletic
  • Hard Body
  • Hourglass Shaped (Female)
  • Rectangular Shaped (Male)
  • Mature Muscle Mass
  • Muscular Body
  • Excellent Posture
  • Gains Muscle Easily
  • Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs
  • Thick Skin

The Mesomorph Body

The mesomorph has well-defined muscles and large bones. The torso tapers to a relatively narrow and low waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.

Other Traits of the Mesomorph

The skin of the mesomorph is thick and the mesomorph tans well. The hair is heavy in texture.

I'm not sure about the whole hair-heavy-texture thing or the muscular fingers (God forbid if I poke you) but the rest of it seems accurate. In the last month specifically my face has thinned out a lot- looking at more defined cheekbones and jawline to boot. Which in two years time will be MUCH more defined by my little operation going on (no it is NOT cosmetic surgery, it is for medical reasons. I have to stop growing first). 

Hope everybody is having fun and a good laugh wherever they are; don't play too much, everybody should have something to do, at least from time to time! 

Happy reading folks, much love, Mes. (teheheh!)

Saturday 19 February 2011

Holiday week!

Time to relax... Sort of...

There's a lot of schoolwork to do, that I have always imagined they only set because they don't want us to have any long-lasting real fun (at least, not without feeling guilty about it afterwards due to having not done the work...) but I ust say I always submit myself to trying to find a balance between the two. The Basement Jaxx song "Broken Dreams" off one of their much earlier ablums, Rooty, reminds me of holidays and sunny places. the link is here. I love the entire album, it's a got a very fresh feel to it.

Happy reading, folks! Sorry this post is so short- I've got to go out and do some non-school related activities which are merely practicalities. When ALL your pairs of jeans have a hole in the right kneww it's time for a new pair, methinks. Bye, guys and gals! (Or should that be buy?)

Monday 14 February 2011

A little bit of love (not for McDonald's)

There was an ad on the television for McDonald's. It was right at the time when most children get home... Should we really be marketing our food and diet in this way? I thought ads for junk food had been banned in the UK before the watershed! 

I've been doing more exercise recently as it's beginning to get acceptably warm to be seen outside NOT wearing enough layers that you resemble a walrus (!) and I have very unfamiliar problems with exercise that most other girls (certainly none of my friends I've talked to) don't seem to get. Such as, I put on weight from muscle. Very quickly. Like, not a little bit so I still look like a girl- so I need to be very careful with the exercises I do. If I want to remain relatively lean-looking (rather than like a bodybuilder) the best exercises are gentle stretches and running. When I say running, I mean in a gym, as it's easier to time how long I'm running for there. I'll run for (in a three to four hour session) about an hour (at intervals!!) and also use a cross trainer, which is elliptical and can be used backwards (to work the muscles on the FRONTS of the legs and such). I haven;t been in a while but this coming weekend I'm going to make time and start going again, more frequently. I get very bored at home, and reading books is wonderful but doesn't help me keep my fitness up.

In ice skating I've been going during public sessions (not much space but ah well) and working on my spins- they're really effective for....er...pulling stomach muscles, if you do them too much. Even with a warmup there is only so far it is possible to push yourself, and this is bearing in mind I didn't visit the rink from December 24th to January 25th. I'm enjoying all the exercise greatly but I've put on more muscle (back and thighs) from the coordination it takes for the sit spin. I'm probably losing not much fat, though- I have a habit of eating Jaffa Cakes which is far too "om nom nom" to break for now!

Happy Valentines' Day, everybody, hopefully you've either got someone to share it with (including a friend or multiple friends) or you're happy doing whatever else it is that you're doing. Make some toast! Or something...

South West England has had a sunny day today and I love the sun so I'm happy. It's still quite cold though and there's homework to be done for tomorrow which may prove a little problematic (German... I can try at least!) so I'll leave you with these thoughts...

Also, I'm onto (read as "halfway through") another book, Private by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. It's not as good as the last novel of theirs that I read- "Swimsuit", though this may be merely for the fact that it's less gory and I was expecting gore. A book promising chilling gore with no gore in, does not a happy reader make!!

Happy reading, folks!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day 1 of 30...

I never really introduced myself on the blog so I'm doing that now. 

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

1] I'm quarter Jamaican. Year round tan, woohoo! People don't guess it because of my blue eyes.
2] I don't get along with my dad at all. I never have, really. I do not remember a single day where we've had a conversation about a) anything relevant, or b) anything that wasn't related in some way to his work or to alcohol or my mother.
3] My mother is like a sister to me; we form a comedy act rather than a family as such. We're interesting and better together than each on our own. She is teaching me to be arrogant.
4] I love sport. I ice skate, I love Netball, I cycle, I rollerblade, sometimes I go to the gym.
5] Sunny days immediately make me happy, no matter what I'm doing.
6] I despise my family because they are racist and stereotype people, and they are ungreatful for all the opportunities they get. I aim to change my last name soon, to my mother's last name.
7] Bread with butter is good. Bread with conserve/jam is good. Bread with both is disgusting!
8] When I'm upset or nervous I dye my hair.
9] I managed to spend £210 on coffee over Christmas. Ah, the realms of Starbucks.
10] I think about my grandmother every single day. She passed away in May 2009 and I miss her more than I thought I would. She was wonderful but I didn;t see that as much when I was very young.
11] I have no style at all. I just chuck on things and try not to wear clashing patterns. All my jeans are ripped unintentionally and nearly all my shoes are trainers/skate shoes. I loathe hats.
12] Lie-ins bug me, I feel the only time I should take them is when I'm ill.
13] I write a lot. Not just for school, but at home as well. I have books full of thoughts.
14] I sometimes wish i could just move to the South of France and stay there.
15] I don't know what I want to be or do; when I was little I wanted to be two things- my mother (literally) and a hitman (Or rather hitwoman. Assassin. There you go).

So yes, welcome to...er... Me, I suppose. Hello there. Yodel. Bonjour. Hallo. Wie geht's?

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Busy days (and evenings...nights... all-nighters...)

I've been doing a lot of things recently, from buying magazines (Elle, spring fashion, which I'm not obsessed about but I love the flow and line of so many summer clothes), to books (Private by Jammes Patterson and The Killing Place by Tess Gerritsen). I'm quite into my crime novels. Over the summer in 2010 I started reading again ( as in reading for pleasure as it's very relaxing) and I've got through quite a few books. I reccommend James Patterson's "Swimsuit", chilling but good. Henri is a great character- and I remember him from July/August so he must be a strongly written one as well. I find crime and murder novels are often full of those much-coveted "dar adjectives" that people look for when writing "spooky" short stories.

Reading is an excellent way of naturally broadening the range of vocabulary- particularly as I keep a dictionary in my room. It's there mainly so I can look up any word I find that I'm not sure of or just completely don't know, which seals my absoluteness in using the word. There is nothing worse than people who use the wrong words, especially in their mother tongue. There are plenty of children and adolescents whom I have spoken to, whose grip of the English language is quite appauling. Seriously, honestly, if you must speak it (and those of you who are obsequious enough never to shut up, this applies especially to you), please do so with courtesy and respect for a language which is so diverse and cultured. Sure, we've stolen words from other languages- sometimes not even changing them from their originals (such as etcetera [etc.], doppelganger and versus [v or vs.]). But please, PLEASE... I hate to hear those so-often-used phrases that have been conjured up out of Grammar hell;

"Where you to?"
"I need to go toilet."
"I didn't do nothin'!"

I must apologise, but there is not another way to put this. I won't try a nice way. You sound hideous. You sound like an uneducated, uncaring person. And unfortunately, most of the time, that is exactly what you are. I've heard, in my Law class (somehow I thought it would be brimming with conscientious individuals- evidently not) questions such as "What does 'in jest' mean?" and phrases like "You was". This is ridiculous. Pull yourselves together! Please!

There are also fads blooming around Britain that result in conversations which frankly and earnestly try to use "tru d@" (instead of "true, that") and "wubu2" (instead of  "what have you been doing recently?"). I would say "lol" but it would make me just as bad. You can't criticise people if you're then going to go on and become one of them.

I ranted in text that a cashier hadn't taken the safety tag off my clothing and one contact replied "just take it offf youuur selfx". "What the heck is that?" I thought. It's literacy murder, is what it is. I sent her this: "What's with all the misspelling and weird double/triple letters? hard to read much?" ( I didn't want to seem too prim so I put a smily at the end, ":D". She replied, quite irritatingly, "nooo thaats just how i writee". I am shocked and alarmed by this. I am sixteen and for five years I went to school with this girl. Now I talk and write like this, and she writes like that. I'm tempted to tell people that when they write in this ugly, mangled way, they look like idiots. And, to be fair, I'm also tempted to add that were they to talk to me like that I would probably assume they had some sort of mental defect. It's just not natural to want to cut up and stick your language together worse than a two year old does. Were I to say the words "ain't" or "init" in this house, my mother would quite literally give me what I like to call the "stare of patronising parental concern" and immediately ask if I was feeling okay. Which I wouldn't be, I would be feeling annoyed because I'd said such awful things.

My parents are split (not divorced, split) and they never brought me up to talk in an inhibited or strange way, except perhaps the old-fashioned language. And they seem to have instilled within me, their one and only child, the feeling and need to be literarily intuitive. By which, of course, I mean that I can actually write and speak properly. My Polish boyfriend knows WAY better english than most English people do, and that's something he and I bonded over- a loathing of the impudence here. It's horrible. People tar all of us with the same brush, the English. And while I'm not going to exactly speak out far about it, (mainly because most of England won't understand...) I will say this:

Please educate your children. Please educate them well. Then let them make themselves proud. They'll make you proud too, and it will be to your merit.