Thursday 13 January 2011

Revision...and misery...

It's been a dreary, rain-filled day here in... Well... Rainy England. I don't know what I was expecting from this country in the middle of January, but still- one can hope!

I've been doing Sociology revision, and also managed to pick up some books from the Library free of charge (mwahaha, Law books run out of valid info after a while...So I took the statutes, cases, and the A-Z and I've literally saved about £80. Excellent!) so overall the dau has at least ended weith me having more than before. And, not to be materialistic, but the more sources I have to revise from, the better.

Sociology Topics...
Couples, Childhood, Family functions, Demography, Changing family patterns, Family Diversity and the life course, and Families and Social Policy. It's a hard life for an A-Level student. Especially when you got an A in the mock and they expect a high grade from you. Let me let you in on a little secret... That mock was the most boring, easy exam ever. All five questions were on the same topic, for Pete's sake! (whoever pete is, wow, you have a lot of people using your....sake...) Anyway, this means that my revision hasn't got vary far.

I have a glass desk, so I can take notes on it and then wipe them off once I think they're in the best order... It's a long and tedious task but it does work and therefore I continue to use it to this day.

So, of course, I took some lovely (not so) interesting photos for y'all to have a look at. This is the stuff I've got up to since last night in terms of work for Sociology ( that might be better read as "in erms" at the moment). Considering it's twenty four hours... It's awful. But never mind.

...Yes. So. As you can tell... byt he time I reached the end it was more mucking about with the camera slightly. The teacher's paparazzi pose would have been hilarious had I actually caught it in shot... Or if it existed... (I CAN STILL HOPE, PEOPLE!)

Anyway, night folks, happy reading!

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