Monday 7 September 2009


Does anybody fancy being a right nerd? I know this language called Hex, short for Hexadecimal, and I wondered if anyone wanted to learn it. it's not that hard really and it's really, really funny to write, and once you get good you can write quite fast in it.

I know, I know it's like the nerdiest thing ever but it's worth my asking just in case.

Also, I'm feeling like letting my guard down, so anybody who has a sincere question to ask me, I'll do my best to answer in truth. I feellike giving everybody the opportunity to ask me something they've never asked before, it's kinda funny and serious at the same time. thankyou for readin my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hex is not a language. Hex is a number base.

    What thou knowest is the hexadecimal representation of ASCII, which is used to encode English for computers.

    Incidentally, the first 127 Unicode codepoints are the same as ASCII, meaning that UTF-8 is identical to ASCII if one uses only latin characters and certain punctuation.

    For a /really/ nerdy language: Learn Lojban!
